:: Los personajes comienzan con un pack de regalo: 15 dias de VIP PLATA al registrarte AUTOMÁTICO + 1 set basico + 1 Arma básica + 1 Habilidad para aprender + 1 Pentagrama al azar + Mucho Zen y una Small Wing/Cape!
:: The characters start with a gift pack : 15 day's VIP SILVER AUTOMATIC + 1 Set basic + 1 Weapon basic + 1 Skill to learn + 1 Pentagram + Zen and Small Wing/Cape!
Version: Full season XI
- User Online +1700

- Dynamic Low Exp >
- 50% Drop
- 3 Sub-servers
- Unique System Multi Lang !
- Points per level: 5/6/7/7
- Stats after reset: unsaving
- Monsters from all maps, defence and damage according to your quantity of resets.
- Excelent + socket: Enabled
- Cash shop: Lucky items, Seal Scroll, Pets and much more!
- Yes, Webshop is very good. Not Selling full items, max option exe > 3
- Mu helper bot: Enabled
- Max stats: 32535
- Auto party: Enabled
- Balanced PvP \ PvM
- Party exp system (Solo = normal exp, full party = highest exp)
- All events working with nice rewards
- Maximum of 3 guilds in an alliance
- Elf soldier buff until level 300
- Maximum of 10 accounts on same ip
- Shops for a low exp server
- Maximum of 9 HP pots stack and 50 mana pots stack (for PVP and PVM experience and to get rid of AUTO Q users and overpower tanks).
- Create guild at level 200
- Create DL,MG,RF, GL at level 1
- Create SUM at level 1 (you need to have 1 char level 1 before creating summ)
- Reconnect system fully working
- CashShop
- VIP system
- Helper from level 1
- Max Master Level : 380
- Master Skill Per/Level : 1
- Play Guide In Game System
- Ruud Shop And Ruud Currency
- All Quest Work Perfect!
- All NPC enabled
- Drops List Events & Boss :
- And Much Much More! Spots And More
- We will have Custom PVP Arena, 2 times per week with mass pk, score for kill/death, rankings and auto-rewards
- We will have Change nick, with credits.
- We will have a bonus system
- The score of guilds will be showing as total total levels
- We will have 2 VIP levels
- Auto accept party requests while AFK (/re auto or /re auto + password to accept only from people that have the pass)
- Auto add points while afk ( /addene(agi,str,etc.) auto xx ) ;
Example : You have 100 points free and you want to go afk for 8 hours and you want to put the next 800 points in str, then :
Write /addstr auto 800 and every time you will level up game will automatic add points into str until it reach 800 points.
/store - Personal store with wcoinc guide:
/offstore - Personal store offline mode
/post - can be use from lvl 50 and its cost 100k zen
/requests - allows you to enable/disable requests
/re <password> - allows you to set password to your party
/add str,agi,vit,ene,cmd - allows you to add specific amount of points
/war - allows you to start a guild war
/battlesoccer - allows you to invite guild to a soccer
/info nick - shows general information of the player
More commands?
All Season XI features:
New character "Grown lancer"
Mu roomy
Muun system
Pandora mining system
Pets system
Ruud shop
Auto reconnect system
Monster life bar
Buffer bots
Gens system
New Character Grow Lancer
New maps
New monsters
New skills
New quests
New items
And much more....
All new events:
Acheron Guardian
Arca Battle
Core Magriffy Boss
Egg Event
Evolution monster system
Illusion Temple > Temporarily off
Arena Survival
And much more....
Items Informations:
No ancient excellent items
No ancient with Jewel of harmony
No ancient with socket
No socket with jewel of harmony
No full excellent opt
Max excellent option count 2
Max socket option count 3
Max socket option count for 2handed weapon 5
List Of Events In Game (Activated)
Acheron Guardian
Arca Battle
Arena Survival
Battle Soccer
Bonus Event
Blood Castle
Castle Siege
Chaos Castle
Cherry Blossom
Christmas Invasion
Core Magriffy Boss
Devil Square
Double Goer (Doppel Ganger)
Dragon Invasion
Egg (monster drop) Event
Evolution Monster System
Halloween Event
Golden Invasion
White Wizard Invasion
Raklion of Hatchery Event
Rabbit Invasion
Santa Claus Event
Medusa Event
Loren Deep Event
Kanturu (Maya)
Kalima (Kundun)
Imperial Fortress (Guardian)
Lord Silvester (Uruk Montain)
Golden Invasion
And all Invasion is enabled....
Website features:
Web Store official > Webshop
Buy Creadits (wcoinc)
News and Announces
Online time
Change password
Change Data
Change Nick
Move Character
Reset Stats Points
Distribuite Stats Points
And much more.....
Rates Chaos Machine
Código: Seleccionar todo
Chaos Item Combinacion rate
ChaosItem Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
ChaosItem Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Plus Item Level 10% de exito ! Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +10 Usuarios Free = 70% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +10 Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +10 Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +10 Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +10 Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +10 Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Plus Item Level 11 Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +11 Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +11 Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +11 Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +11 Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +11 Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +11 Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Plus Item Level 12 Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +12 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +12 Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +12 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +12 Usuarios Vip Oro = 65% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +12 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +12 Usuarios Vip Oro = 65
Plus Item Level 13 Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +13 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +13 Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +13 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +13 Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +13 Usuarios Free = 45% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +13 Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Plus Item Level 14 Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +14 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +14 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +14 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +14 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +14 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +14 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Plus Item Level 15 Combinacion rate
Crear Items comunes +15 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items comunes +15 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +15 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items Exe y Acc +15 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +15 Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Crear Items Sockets +15 Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Dinorant Combinacion rate
Dinorant Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 70% de exito !
Dinorant Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Fruit Combinacion rate
Fruit Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 90% de exito !
Fruit Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 90% de exito !
Wing2 Combinacion rate
Wing2 Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Wing2 Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 75
Wing1 Combinacion rate
Wing1 Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
Wing1 Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
Pet Combinacion rate
Pet Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 50% de exito !
Pet Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Piece of Horn Combinacion rate
PieceOfHorn Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 70% de exito !
PieceOfHorn Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 80% de exito !
Broken Horn Combinacion rate
BrokenHorn Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 50% de exito !
BrokenHorn Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Horn of Fenrir Combinacion rate
HornOfFenrir Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 30% de exito !
HornOfFenrir Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 40% de exito !
Horn of Fenrir Upgrade Combinacion rate
Horn Of Fenrir Upgrade Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
Horn Of Fenrir Upgrade Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
Jewel of Harmony Item Purity Combinacion rate
Jewel Of Harmony Item Purity Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 70% de exito !
Jewel Of Harmony Item Purity Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 90% de exito !
Jewel of Harmony Item Smelt Combinacion rate
Jewel Of Harmony Item Smelt Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 50% de exito !
Jewel Of Harmony Item Smelt Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Jewel of Harmony Item Restore Combinacion rate
Jewel Of Harmony Item Restore Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Jewel Of Harmony Item Restore Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 10% de exito !0% de exito !
Feather Of Condor Combinacion rate
Feather Of Condor Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 35% de exito !
Feather Of Condor Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 50% de exito !
Wing3 Combinacion rate
Wing3 Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 50% de exito !
Wing3 Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 65% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Combinacion rate
Socket Item Create Seed Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Combinacion rate
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Tetra Combinacion rate
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Tetra Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Tetra Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Monster Wing Combinacion rate
Monster Wing Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 60% de exito !
Monster Wing Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Socket Weapon Combinacion rate
Socket Weapon Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = Normal (Lo que figura en la maquina)
Socket Weapon Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Pentagram Jewel Combinacion rate
Pentagram Jewel Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 50% de exito !
Pentagram Jewel Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 70% de exito !
Ancient Hero Soul Combinacion rate
Ancient Hero Soul Combinacion rate Usuarios Free = 40% de exito !
Ancient Hero Soul Combinacion rate Usuarios Vip Oro = 60% de exito !
Protocol SSL/TLS
Built In Anti Hack
Built In Anti Dupe System
Anti Flood
Connection Limiter
Packets Queue
Packet Counter Limiter
File Check Sum (CRC)
Attack Distance Check
Safe Zone Attack Distance Checker
Account Lock System
Log System For Each Move Or Action In Game
Hyper Threading